

Icon/product/portable-wifi-off Internet connection lost

Version 3.4.0

Feature Request
1. # [30003001-4636] – ITIL - Add color code for Severity on Incident List
2. # [30003001-4571] – Added the flag "show support number" in projects. The support number will be displayed to customers on projects that have the flag enabled.
3. # [30003001-4508] – Added option to add TAG while creating a ticket
4. # [30003001-4444] – ITIL - SLA timer would only run if the incident is in New, Assigned and In Progress State.
5. # [30003001-4455] – Added option for Public Roadmap. Now anyone can see Roadmaps that have Ticket Status as “Feature List” without logging to VNCproject
6. # [30003001-4485] – Users can now update TAGS while using bulk edit
7. # [30003001-4499] – ITIL - Stop SLA Timer after linking the incident to the problem
8. # [30003001-4516] – ITIL - Anonymize the Helpdesk Staff to the customer. Now customers can only see “VNC Support” instead of a staff name
9. # [30003001-4574] – Move tickets with the status "follows" or "precedes" of a main ticket to another version
10. # [30003001-4596] – Change the process of autocomplete tickets with the status "waiting for customer action".

Bug Report
1. # [30003001-4510] – ITIL - Added button “New Change” to escalate/link a problem to a change
2. # [30003001-4511] – Assignee can approve a problem solution. Fixed.
3. # [30003001-4641] – ITIL - Fixed bug for Timer when Problem is related to an Incident.
4. # [30003001-4628] – ITIL - If the problem is in "Assigned" or "Under investigation" state, the assignee can create "Release" from it and problem would move to "On hold-escalated" state.
5. # [30003001-4629] – ITIL – Fixed the issue of linking change to release.

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