

Icon/product/portable-wifi-off Internet connection lost

Changelog - Version 1.1.2


  • As user, I can see a SplashScreen to see the app is working while loading.
  • As user, I can create a new task to have it in my list of tasks.
  • As user, I can add tags to my task to group them by keywords.
  • As user, I can a button on the LoginScreen to change the server URL.
  • As user, I can switch the URL, to access multiple servers or correct a wrong URL.

Bug Fixes and other

  • Login Screen design fixed
  • Application State is now cleared, once you log out
  • The SplashScreen only opens once upon loading
  • AppSwitcher fixed
  • Improved performance
  • Completed tasks are now removed from "Incomplete tasks"-list
  • Long names display properly in MS Edge
  • Cursor has same look, when hovering any options in EditView
  • Removed "PLUS"-Button from Detail and EditViews on Mobile and put it to correct Fragment on Desktop
  • Fixed issue, where "PLUS"-button was not displayed after searching or editting task
  • Taskname now displays on single line and supports scrolling
  • Counter in search results is now working correctly
  • Fixed issue, where the DeleteKey behave like the RightArrowKey
  • Empty entries are not shown anymore in DetailView of Task


  • Upload Avatar
  • Change to new Design
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