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VNCmail Change log Version (iOS

New Features:

  • Optimized workflow for Inbox and other folders
  • Recipient‘s E-Mail address is now mandatory in the redirect to filter and opens a warning message if it is not set
  • Disabled options like delete and rename for system-folders
  • Folder name and number of unread E-Mails are displayed in the browser tab
  • Line height changed to 1.2 for a better legibility

Bug Fixes:

  • Display of mail details containing tables improved
  • You are not added to the recipients list anymore when using reply all on an E-Mail
  • Mobile:
    • Design improvements and layout fixes for landscape view
    • Optimized behaviour while switching from landscape to portrait view and back
    • iOS: adapted screen size for the inbox and other folders
  • Inline attachments are displayed correctly now
  • E-Mails are not sent accidentally twice anymore
  • Menu button added to mark E-mails in the spam folder as no spam
  • Fixed wrong behavior of a right-click to open the context menu for user-defined folders
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