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VNCcontacts Change log Version 1.1.1 (Desktop + Mobile)

Bug fixes

  1. - Fixed permission issue, remove permision on second time app launch
  2. [30032-573] - Update contact is not displaying any spinner
  3. [30032-574] - Calendar is cutting in the while creating a contact
  4. [30032-570] - Updated profile picture is not displaying in the profile photo
  5. [30032-617] - Context menu opening far away in the Header menubar
  6. [30032-620] - App getting close after getting back from Service desk page
  7. [30032-629] - Long contact list name is cutting in the toaster message
  8. [30032-619] - Search term doesn't clear after close search result
  9. [30032-616] - Updated profile picture displays blurred
  10. [30032-611] - SMS history is not displaying on some numbers
  11. [30032-606] - Marking multiple contacts to favorite is not working in the desktop
  12. [30032-646] - Scrolling not working on contact list
  13. [30032-647] - Handle contacts count on header view, currently not showing it
  14. [30032-665] - Moving contacts are not increasing the counter in the list view and header
  15. [30032-651] - Contact list design fix
  16. [30032-671] - Contacts list are not displaying properly in the move contacts list
  17. [30032-672] - Upload Photo button is shifting down after uploading a photo
  18. [30032-684] - Import dialog does not displaying properly in screen size 1366 x 763
  19. [30032-685] - Edit contact does not show save button when phone number lenght 17
  20. - Back button fix, update dialog design
  21. - Not loading login page after entering url in mobile application

Feature/Work requests

  1. [30032-550] - Add and make cordova setup work in new angular-5 structure
  2. [30032-554] - Advance search not working properly
  3. [30032-75] - Call history functionality added
  4. [30032-74] - Implement share contact functionality in VNCcontact
  5. [30032-567] - Display favourite list in layout
  6. [30032-566] - Redesign contact create window for mobile
  7. [30032-569] - Redsign Create about dialog and More dialog redesign
  8. [30032-201] - splash screen should not open two times while loading app
  9. [30032-597] - Redesign Toast message
  10. [30032-596] - Redesign Export contact functionality
  11. [30032-608] - Change design for search option instead of separate dialog
  12. [30032-627] - Redesign contact detail view
  13. [30032-588] - Redesign contact create / edit window
  14. [30032-594] - Redesign Move contact dialog
  15. [30032-604] - Redesign add list operation option in more option on top header along with search
  16. [30032-600] - Contact list dialog from sidebar, Add search option, add long press list function
  17. [30032-638] - Closing edit/create dialog ask confirmation for save contact
  18. [30032-622] - An alphabet/character is not displaying when there is no name in the contact
  19. [30032-659] - Add Change URL option in mobile login screen
  20. [30032-673] - Added missing German translation
  21. [30032-681] - Add word break in detail view window when Data are too long
  22. [30032-540] - Move service to common folder
  23. [30032-554] - Advance search not found inside mobile view in new structure
  24. - Add new splash screen for vnccontacts
  25. - Add updated plugin configuration
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