

Icon/product/portable-wifi-off Internet connection lost

EKBO Dialog Change log Version Code Refactoring 0.9.4

Bug fixes

  1. [30003052-2214]- [Refactoring] [I-phone] Cursor focus disappeared from chat screen/new conversation popup/add participants popup etc
  2. [30003052-3474]- [Desktop/Mobile] Scrolling in chat history is not so smooth
  3. [30003052-3473]- [Error] User get the 403 on page reloading
  4. [30003052-3360]- [Refactoring] [Desktop/Mobile] Online users tab flashes wrong details of other tab/wrong data
  5. [30003052-2167]- [Refactoring] [Mobile] [Group chat] Group chat last message disappeared from recent chat screen
  6. [30003052-3138]- [Refactoring] [Desktop] Application hangs system and system browser
  7. [30003052-3404]- [Refactoring] [Desktop/Mobile] For long group list name edit icon goes out of the "Add user to list" popup/screen
  8. [30003052-2926]- [Refactoring] [Desktop/Mobile] Chat message kebab menu "Add a task (VNCtask)" option not working
  9. [30003052-3286]- [Refacroring] [Mobile] Unable to scroll to the end in advance search result screen
  10. [30003052-3212]- [I phone] Apply option is should not display behind to the mobile keypad
  11. [30003052-3119]- [Refactoring] [Desktop/Mobile] After logout/offlline when relogin again then missing new message notification for group chat
  12. [30003052-3485]- [Desktop/Mobile] Group chat leave/delete conversation is not working properly
  13. [30003052-3497]- [Desktop] Missing chat and new messages if chat is not display in/removed from the recent chat
  14. [30003052-3165]- [Refactoring] [Desktop/Mobile] GIF image type is not displaying properly in chat
  15. [30003052-3494]- [Desktop] [Mobile] After re-login for a while user get the unread counts for read messages at recant conversation screen
  16. [30003052-3482]- [Desktop] [Mobile] Missing content from conversation History
  17. [30003052-3341]- [Refactoring] [Mobile] File name display with reply message in list of media screen
  18. [30003052-3300]- [Mobile/Desktop]User is not redirect to the last message while opening the chat screen
  19. [30003052-593]- [EKBO] [Ubuntu] [Opera] No sound notification play for new received message
  20. [30003052-3277]- [Refactoring] [Desktop] Chat bubble down arrow icon overlap on search bar
  21. [30003052-2218]- [Refactoring] [Mobile] Chat option menu click also applied on chat screen item
  22. [30003052-2416]- [VNCtalk mobile] Redesign the existing video call
  23. [30003052-1015]- [iOS] media player control in lock screen
  24. [30003052-3282]- [Refactoring] [Desktop/Mobile] EKBO theme changes to VNCtalk theme after relogin
  25. [30003052-2627]- [Refactoring] [Desktop/Mobile] Some times all the old chats can't load with the page scroll up but same can accessible with search
  26. [30003052-2031]- groupchat message history on reconnect may lead to wrong count of unread messages
  27. [30003052-3318]- [Refactoring] [Desktop] Popup not closing on pressing keyboard ESC key
  28. [30003052-3319]- [Mobile] Text box height and placeholder position change while canceling the voice recording.
  29. [30003052-3499]- [Mobile] [Desktop] Tick-mark displayed with delay in recent conversation
  30. [30003052-3513]- [I-phone]Take much time in Scrolling
  31. [30003052-3441]- [Desktop] After sending the message still display in text area and Writing message removed if received new message
  32. [30003052-3356]- [Mobile/Desktop] With long group name in XMPP eclipse menu is open but does not appear any option
  33. [30003052-3180]- [Refactoring] [Mobile] Shared file with file name having special/umlauts characters are not displaying properly
  34. [30003052-3368]- [uxf - zimbra] whiteboard invitation is handled as video invitation
  35. [30003052-3372]- keep message count in offline storage until conversation has to be marked read
  36. [30003052-3374]- [contact lists] Users are added without name attribute
  37. [30003052-3376]- Switches Mute conversation and use OMEMO encryption are connected.
  38. [30003052-3370]- [mobile/app] using the app as sharing target creates multiple instances of app running
  39. [30003052-3387]- [Media] Forward/share screen takes too much time to open.
  40. [30003052-3308]- [Refactoring] [Desktop/Mobile] Long group name cutting in chat message notification
  41. [30003052-2219]- [Refactoring] [Mobile] Missing application logo in android notification
  42. [30003052-2941]- ERROR TypeError: Cannot read property 'isStarred' of undefined
  43. [30003052-2981]- [Regression Bug] [Refactoring] [I-phone] If getting the error message from server URL page then display the with space on header part of the screen
  44. [30003052-3331]- [Refactoring] [Mobile] On long tap on item it selects text of the selected item and display system options
  45. [30003052-3245]- [Refactoting] [Desktop/Mobile] Text box height and placeholder's position change on sending blank data with Enter
  46. [30003052-3025]- [Refactoring][Edge] While close the "Create list" window from roster window reload the application
  47. [30003052-3402]- [Refactoring] [Mobile] Back button redirection issue from create/rename list, add user to list
  48. [30003052-3463]- [Production] Old group chats displayed as 1:1 chats
  49. [30003052-3044]- [Refactoring] [Desktop/Mobile] User able to edit the same name for all the groups
  50. [30003052-819]- [EKBO] [Desktop/MS Edge] Close icon display as entered any letter/text in the user search box
  51. [30003052-3290]- [Desktop] while hovering any user from the roster window then click on other kebab option both are overlapped with each other.
  52. [30003052-3549]- [Desktop/Mobile] Search result display for other chats in search result
  53. [30003052-3344]- [Mobile] Favorite users should be displayed with the star icon in all user/online user tabs and the user should be disappeared from favorite window while tapping on the star.
  54. [30003052-3567]- [Desktop/Mobile] It takes too much time to display call screen after accepting the call

Feature/Work requests

  1. [30003052-3327]- [FCM] [iOS] Make the Silent Push Notifications work for iOS also.
  2. [30003052-3317]- [Desktop] make send key configurable
  3. [30003052-2149]- [offline] local files
  4. [30003052-3115]- Change font units to rem , add Option to Change theme, font size and show title and logo on basis of server url
  5. [30003052-2317]- [VNCtalk mobile] Share Feature
  6. [30003052-3528]- Changes on frontend for unread count logic
  7. [30003052-2183]- Remaining root component Refactoring Tasks
  8. [30003052-3483]- Fix delay in opening dialogs
  9. [30003052-1532]- Static history polling timeout is too low
  10. [30003052-904]- [android] back button support
  11. [30003052-2206]- [Mobile] - User should be able to share URL
  12. [30003052-1266]- Group video/audio/whiteboard-invites not nicely represented in the middleware history
  13. [30003052-2245]- [Mobile] [Kebab] - User can send chat message , start audio call , start video call from Kebab menu in 1:n chat
  14. [30003052-2244]- sometimes deviceready not called on Android
  15. [30003052-2459]- Analysis to Embed google capillary for end2end encryption
  16. [30003052-2457]- [Mobile] Implement New Settings Screen
  17. [30003052-3309]- announce start of file transfer
  18. [30003052-2492]- iOS-App: Add "Unred Message Counter" to "Badge App Icon"
  19. [30003052-3505]- Handle unread count from backend
  20. [30003052-2545]- Use File storage to saved state for offline functionality
  21. [30003052-2253]-[Mobile] - Add feature for "Media" under other user's Avatar in 1:1 and 1:n chat
  22. [30003052-829]- [Refactoring] [EKBO] [Desktop] Notification drop down options effect is not reflected/working
  23. [30003052-3354]- [Mobile] validate server URl
  24. [30003052-3359]- [Safari] Copy to clipboard not working with 1 to 1 and group chat
  25. [30003052-1781]- [UI] [Desktop] Add stared(Favourite) contact with roster window
  26. [30003052-3371]- show message preview in bold font for unread conversations
  27. [30003052-3369]- [app/mobile] make "open keyboard on entering conversation" configurable
  28. [30003052-3377]- External URLs are ignore despite beeing ajusted in config
  29. [30003052-3383]- [IOS] returning from jitsi meet does not really end the call
  30. [30003052-3381]- Replace Theme name "EKBO dialog" from Themo Option Menu
  31. [30003052-3358]- [Refactoring] [Desktop/Mobile] User avatar overlap on username in profile screen
  32. [30003052-3287]- [Refactoring] [Desktop] Advance search scroll postion remains as last scroll position for all search keyword result
  33. [30003052-3395]- [Refactoring] [Mobile] Group chat unread messages are automatically gets read even without opening the chat
  34. [30003052-2909]- Missing German translation
  35. [30003052-3152]- [Mobile][Call]In call window display the white space at the bottom of the page and overlap the middle screen
  36. [30003052-2927]- [Refactoring] [Desktop/Mobile] Chat message kebab menu "Store on cloud (VNCsafe)" option not working
  37. [30003052-3382]- Config Firebase for ekbo and vnctalk app
  38. [30003052-3383]- [Mobile] Add focus and place holder on search textbox on create conversation screen
  39. [30003052-3340]- Add start icon for stared contact in user list
  40. [30003052-3028]- [VNCtalk mobile] Redesign media screens
  41. [30003052-2964]- Making Changes in Currently Implemented Forward, Delete feature to enable it to be reusable with other parts of app also.
  42. [30003052-3477]- [Desktop] [Mobile] Update flow for add participant in group chat
  43. [30003052-2986]- [Media] Long Press Actions.
  44. [30003052-3503]- Store stream id to use in reconnect connection
  45. [30003052-3419]- [Mobile] Add close button for close the long tap pop-up
  46. [30003052-3001]- [Media] Click on attachments
  47. [30003052-2937]- [Refactoring] [I-phone]Take much time in Scrolling and it is not working smoothly.
  48. [30003052-3456]- [performance] keep only latest 20 messages on switching chats
  49. [30003052-3267]- [Mobile/desktop] While font size is increased then a design is messed up
  50. [30003052-3190]- [VNCtalk mobile+desktop] Add button "down to the end of page" when new message arrives
Attachments (0)