

Icon/product/portable-wifi-off Internet connection lost

EKBO Dialog Change log Version 1.1.2 DELIVERY

Bug fixes

  1. [30003052-773] - [EKBO] [Desktop] User typing notification overlapping on the last chat bubble
  2. [30003052-1048]- [EKBO] [Desktop] Long text content goes out of the chat bubble
  3. [30003052-189]- [Ekbo][Desktop] External user is unable to join active call
  4. [30003052-1019]- [EKBO] [Desktop] Screen share is not working in group chat
  5. [30003052-1020]- [EKBO] [Desktop] [Mobile] In a group name white space is replaced with underscore and first letter replaced with capital letter
  6. [30003052-1027]- chatroom name decoding issue leads to strange display
  7. [30003052-1049]- [Ekbo] [Desktop] 1:1 chat from user profile card is not start
  8. [30003052-1021]- [EKBO] [Desktop] [Mobile] For group chat instead of group icon first 2 letters are displayed as a avatar
  9. [30003052-447]- [EKBO] [Mobile] Recorded voice message clarity is not clear/echoing
  10. [30003052-926]- [EKBO] [Mobile - browser] Two vertical scroll bars found in the app
  11. [30003052-1053]- [perf] switching chats takes ages, especially on the desktop
  12. [30003052-939]- [EKBO] [Desktop] File sending is not working
  13. [30003052-1046]- [Ekbo] [Desktop] [Mobile] Create conversation button is disabled for click after user trying to create group with same name
  14. [30003052-131]- topic for room not fetched on initiallist fetching
  15. [30003052-765]- [EKBO] [Mobile] User is unable to scroll left/right to add invitee with open keyboard
  16. [30003052-231]- [EKBO] [Mobile] Chat header is cutting when having multiple lines in chat text area
  17. [30003052-953]- LDAP search broken
  18. [30003052-1036]- [EKBO] [Desktop] Search result cutting/not displaying fully in chat screen
  19. [30003052-950]- [EKBO] [Desktop] Sometimes chat name is not displaying properly
  20. [30003052-950]- [EKBO] [Desktop/Mobile] For English language German translation display for "photo" in notification
  21. [30003052-829]- [EKBO] [Desktop] Notification drop down options effect is not reflected/working
  22. [30003052-531]- [EKBO] [Mobile] Missing add people button check icon in add participants window
  23. [30003052-970]- [EKBO] [Desktop] Talk screen is displayed for 2-3 seconds before login
  24. [30003052-1034]- [EKBO] [Desktop] User typing notification overlapping on Mic/Message Send button during call
  25. [30003052-971]- [EKBO] [Desktop] "Sending voice message, please wait" overlapped on audio message
  26. [30003052-1038]- [EKBO] [Desktop] Missing Server URL in General settings screen
  27. [30003052-981]- [Mobile] [fDroid] - Links - "Unknown License" Text is displayed
  28. [30003052-982]- [Mobile] [Android 8] Firebase notification in system tray are not closed after tapping on them
  29. [30003052-946]- Issues related to call(audio/video)
  30. [30003052-557]- [EKBO] Search functionality related issues
  31. [30003052-752]- [EKBO] [MOBILE] Performance of mobile app is not up to the mark
  32. [30003052-993]- No/wrong check for chrome screen sharing extension
  33. [30003052-992]- Race condition in the conversation history control
  34. [30003052-996]- [EKBO] [Desktop] User is unable to see video screen/shared screen in group chat
  35. [30003052-1006]- [EKBO] [Desktop] [Mobile] user can't open the conversations
  36. [30003052-1012]- ambiguous translation in start conversation dialog
  37. [30003052-1014]- [IOS] settings for notifications
  38. [30003052-1015]- [iOS] media player control in lock screen
  39. [30003052-1017]- [EKBO] [Desktop] Group chat name display in participants screen

Feature/Work requests

  1. [30003052-1075]- make default theme work again
  2. [30003052-779]- [EKBO] [DESKTOP] Implement UI for display users
  3. [30003052-1087]- Chat message input box resizing
  4. [30003052-967]- [android8, voiceRec] URL.createObjectURL(file) not able to consume the result blob returned from the internal audio recorder script
  5. [30003052-1085]- Show progress for audio file upload
  6. [30003052-666]- Displaying group chat last messages from other client / properly rejoining group chats after reconnect
  7. [30003052-895]- [EKBO] Disable/Hide edit for files and audio message
  8. [30003052-921]- [android] chats automatically switched when receiving message in other chat
  9. [30003052-1050]- [desktop, chrome] Add error dialog for missing chrome screen sharing extension
  10. [30003052-661]- [EKBO Dialog - desktop+mobile] make EKBO page loads only once
  11. [30003052-671]- [EKBO Dialog - desktop+mobile] Voice chat not working
  12. [30003052-991]- Temporarily remove buttons / entry points for incomplete or missing features
  13. [30003052-1013]- History sidebar: display for fotos, files and voice messages
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