

Icon/product/portable-wifi-off Internet connection lost

EKBO Dialog Change log Version 1.1.1 and 1.1.2

Bug fixes

  1. [30003052-725] - [EKBO] [Desktop] White board invitation button's text is cutting in German language
  2. [30003052-707] - [EKBO] [Mobile] Getting white blank screen after clicking save conversation cancel/save button
  3. [30003052-707] - [Desktop] Typo error found for unshare button tool tip
  4. [30003052-731] - [EKBO] [Desktop] Add pariticpants pop up button text displays in different line
  5. [30003052-743] - [Desktop] Single line message was split into two lines after pressing Enter key
  6. [30003052-726] - [EKBO] [Desktop] Two label for the word "and" in German language
  7. [30003052-723] - [EKBO] [Desktop] Add contact label displays with underscore sign
  8. [30003052-664] - [Desktop] Missing "Change Photo" option in Profile window
  9. [30003052-721] - [EKBO] [Desktop] Email label is cutting in group chat profile screen
  10. [30003052-656] - [EKBO] [Desktop] Create conversation pop up buttons are not working
  11. [30003052-180] - [EKBO][Desktop] Chat text area height is not increasing on entering more emojis
  12. [30003052-179] - [EKBO][Desktop] Whiteboard icon is cutting in whitebaord invitation notification
  13. [30003052-679] - [EKBO] [Desktop] [Mobile] Multiple group chat created equal to the number of multiple clicks on button
  14. [30003052-561] - [EKBO] Incoming notification closes when clicking anywhere(except buttons) in notification
  15. [30003052-714] - [EKBO] [Desktop/Mobile] User can't set/change status
  16. [30003052-548] - [EKBO] [Desktop] Settings screen mute this conversation option is not working
  17. [30003052-713] - [EKBO] [Desktop] Typo error for the word "powered by"
  18. [30003052-444] - [EKBO] [Desktop/Mobile] Date which has no chat conversation displaying in chat window
  19. [30003052-535] - Contactlist unsorted in Desktop browser version
  20. [30003052-711] - [EKBO] [Desktop] URL/Links can't open on a single click
  21. [30003052-446] - [EKBO] [Desktop/Mobile] Recorded message file send after long time
  22. [30003052-737] - [EKBO] [Mobile] Missing user avatar in user profile screen
  23. [30003052-692] - [cordova/android] change system tray icon and text
  24. [30003052-746] - [EKBO dialog - desktop] Profile dialog box on 1-1 chat avatar or name
  25. [30003052-682] - [android] back button does not work
  26. [30003052-667] - [EKBO Dialog - desktop] Cursor need to be positioned on the text field when user get back to the previously visited chat
  27. [30003052-878] - Remove message "no devices compatible with this version"
  28. [30003052-668] - [EKBO Dialog - desktop] the typed message disappears when user gets back to that chat
  29. [30003052-659] - [EKBO Dialog - mobile] disable sound notification
  30. [30003052-947] - [EKBO] User suggestions are not working for start chat, add participant and create new list window
  31. [30003052-413] - [Whiteboard] Sometimes need to click multiple times on whiteboard tools option
  32. [30003052-734] - [EKBO] Align avatar with the name for chat
  33. [30003052-764] - [EKBO] Audio recording is not working after cancelling audio recording session several times
  34. [30003052-941] - [EKBO] [Desktop] Other user profile is not opening
  35. [30003052-778] - [EKBO] [Desktop] Typo error for create list pop up placeholder
  36. [30003052-894] - [EKBO] high of text area is not increased in case of open message in edit mode
  37. [30003052-902] - [EKBO] [Mobile] On tapping check icon General settings screen is not closing
  38. [30003052-912] - [EKBO] voice quality is not good in call
  39. [30003052-751] - [EKBO] In a search results messages of other user is not displayed in group chat
  40. [30003052-913] - [EKBO] Error notification displayed after successfully unblock the contact
  41. [30003052-429] - [EKBO] [Desktop] Missing hamburger menu
  42. [30003052-810] - [EKBO] [Desktop] Group chat time stamp display with in chat bubble
  43. [30003052-771] - [EKBO] [Desktop] Getting blank screen after clicking Email option in other user's profile screen
  44. [30003052-772] - [EKBO] [Desktop] Unread message number and time stamp overlaps in left panel
  45. [30003052-592] - [EKBO] [Opera] Can't play recorded voice message
  46. [30003052-923] - [EKBO] [Mobile - Browser] Missing scroll bar in hamburger menu
  47. [30003052-772] - [EKBO] [Desktop] Unread message number and time stamp overlaps in left panel
  48. [30003052-412] - [EKBO] Screen sharing extension is not compatible in Firefox v57 and above
  49. [30003052-817] - [EKBO] [Desktop] Participants screen remains open after starting call
  50. [30003052-673] - [EKBO] [Dssktop] Two film strip displays for the same user in call
  51. [30003052-938] - [EKBO] [Desktop] Too much space display between edit/message dropdown icon and message
  52. [30003052-936] - [EKBO] [Desktop + Mobile] Edit icon is cutting for edited message of non-log in user
  53. [30003052-808] - [EKBO] [Desktop/Mobile] Missing Recent chat list
  54. [30003052-800] - [EKBO] [Mobile] EMAIL label is cutting in other user's profile screen
  55. [30003052-724] - [EKBO] [Desktop] Search option is not displaying and working properly
  56. [30003052-798] - [EKBO] [Desktop] Chat text area height is not reset to default
  57. [30003052-888] - [EKBO] [Desktop] unwanted horizontal scrollbar is displayed on conversation screen during call
  58. [30003052-517] - [EKBO] [Mobile] Unread message notification number overlap on last message time stamp
  59. [30003052-761] - [EKBO] [Desktop] Typo error for Emoji value
  60. [30003052-727] - [EKBO] [Desktop] User should redirect on desired page for legal notice/data privacy
  61. [30003052-710] - [EKBO] [Mobile-browser] unwanted white space displayed at the bottom of chat area
  62. [30003052-774] - [EKBO] [Desktop] User typing notification info should display in black color
  63. [30003052-674] - [EKBO] [Desktop] Search is not working
  64. [30003052-773] - [EKBO] [Desktop] User typing notification overlapping on the last chat bubble
  65. [30003052-547] - [EKBO] [Desktop] Whiteboard auto save request fails/not working
  66. [30003052-805] - [DESKTOP] [MOBILE] After adding text in chat area audio message button can't converted to the aeroplane button
  67. [30003052-787] - [EKBO] [Desktop] Group chat other user's chat bubble's time stamp is not displaying properly
  68. [30003052-803] - [DESKTOP] Time stamp is not displayed for 1:1 conversation screen
  69. [30003052-799] - [EKBO] [Desktop/Mobile] Missing "Offline" user status label in profile screen
  70. [30003052-385] - [EKBO] [Tablet] [Portrait] EKBO Dialog is not display in the center in Login page
  71. [30003052-804] - [Desktop] [Firefox] After sending voice message system is hang
  72. [30003052-410] - [EKBO] [Mobile] Emoji is not displaying in chat message notification/bubble
  73. [30003052-575] - [EKBO] [Desktop/Mobile] Search for multiple language is not working
  74. [30003052-696] - Icon for background mode in system tray
  75. [30003052-66] - [Mobile] EKBO Splash screen issue/background change
  76. [30003052-741] - [Desktop] Call notification sound on receiving every new message(s). Call notification sound should play on new received
  77. [30003052-763] - [Desktop] Sending voice message info position is not displaying as per design
  78. [30003052-801] - [Desktop] Sending voice message info color is not as per design

Feature/Work requests

  1. [30003052-639]- Add the settings icon between Avatar and User icon on desktop version as per new mockups
  2. [30003052-634] Chat window message UI. Added padding for message, and corrected alignment of message
  3. Setting Screen changes. Add Language Selector
  4. [30003052-558] Implement new search UI for mobile
  5. Additional Firebase notifications for voice calls, group chat invitations, file transfers
  6. [30003052-684] Improve conversation history performance
  7. [30003052-883] Change German Translations as mentioned in
  8. [30003052-652] Added "About" in settings
  9. [30003052-632] [Mobile] Change formatting for settings screen as per new design
  10. Update new design for other users profile
  11. [30003052-777] [Mobile] Implement settings option and it's sub options
  12. [30003052-16] Place “Search” feature in avatar profile dropdown menu
  13. [30003052-914] [Desktop] Change icon for "add user list"
  14. [30003052-650] Add Change Log and FAQ
  15. [30003052-640] [Desktop] Create page for general settings dialog box.
  16. [30003052-657] [Mobile] Add hamburger menu for Apps, Profile,Users,Media,Settings,Logout
  17. [30003052-685] Firebase notifications
  18. [30003052-649] [Desktop] Add VNC Service desk dialog box
  19. [30003052-780] Block / Unblock User
  20. [30003052-59] [Desktop] Redesign header as per new design
  21. [30003052-693] [Android] Proper action when firebase notifications are touched and app comes to foreground
  22. Audio Recording and Sharing
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